
Kingbird Software, LLC is a single-member Limited Liability Company (LLC) formed in November, 2007 by Ken Bunzel. The company is located in Moscow, Idaho, the home of the University of Idaho. Washington State University is located nearby in Pullman, Washington. The primary purpose of the company is to provide GIS software development services.

The company employs Ken Bunzel, who has 14 years of professional software design and development experience with a focus on database and GIS application development. Ken has developed numerous applications using VB.NET and ArcObjects for the ArcGIS desktop software. He has also developed web applications using JavaScript and ASP.NET with open source components such as GeoServer, OpenLayers, and GeoExt. Ken produced many applications while working for the California Department of Fish and Game to analyze field data and display it in a GIS. Ken also developed ArcGIS desktop applications while employed with Space Imaging, LLC, The Sanborn Map Company, and Pacific Meridian Resources. These applications were primarily for ecosystem management, water management, forestry, fire management, and the display of environmental information in a user-friendly format.

Ken has a bachelor's degree in conservation biology with experience conducting wildlife and vegetation inventories in the field. He received a certificate in Ecological Horticulture from the University of California - Santa Cruz and is currently involved in small scale sustainable agriculture projects. He also received a Certificate in Microcomputer Systems Specialist from Santa Rosa Junior College, California. Ken lives in Moscow, Idaho with his wife Betta, and their children, Owen, and Anna.

Redwood Forest, CA Owen, Ken, and Betta Bunzel in Redwood National Park, California. Picture taken in July, 2009 by Anna Bunzel.

Boardwalk, OR Ken and Anna Bunzel on Eagle Creek Trail, Oregon. Picture taken in July, 2009 by Betta Bunzel.

Kings Canyon, CA Anna, Owen, Betta, and Ken Bunzel in Kings Canyon National Park, California. Picture taken in July, 2009.

Interactive map of the Moscow, Idaho, and Pullman, Washington area using OpenStreetMap.