Web Maps - Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is a geospatial dataset?
A: A collection of geographic data and related attributes. Some popular dataset formats include shapefile and GeoTiff.
Q: What is a map layer?
A: A geospatial dataset displayed in a map. A single dataset can have multiple layers each using different map symbology or depicting different attributes.
Q: What is a "layer month"?
A: For our purposes, we define a "layer month" to be equal to 30 days of web map services for 1 layer.
Q: Can I have a dedicated web server and use my own domain?
A: Yes, contact us for a dedicated web server and to use a specific domain. The cost for a dedicated server is $15 per layer with a minimum of 10 layers for 1 year.
Q: Do you provide support for setting up my own server?
A: Yes, contact us for support in setting up a map server. We also provide custom software development as needed.
Q: Will my data be available to the general public?
A: The images produced by the map service are available to the general public without login constraints. Your uploaded GIS data files will not be made available to the public.
Q: Will my uploaded data be removed from the server if I don’t buy services?
A: Layer information and related files will be removed from the server only after several months, and only after first attempting to contact the customer.